Waterfalls Animated Wallpaper, as its name states, is a desktop wallpaper created by W3i, LLC. If you like to add some motion to your Windows desktop, Waterfalls Animated Wallpaper will do the job.
After a full day at work or countless school hours, this animated wallpaper is a great change, as it will bring you the calmness of a rainforest waterfall. Butterflies flying all over the savage jungle, the water drops rippling, the trees shaking their leaves, all these images will create the perfect mood for you. Colorful parrots flying around and making relaxing sounds will complete this great wallpaper. Briefly, you will never get bored with this wallpaper. Moreover, all the stress accumulated during an annoying day will disappear as if by miracle.
Most of the wallpapers have an animated object here or there, but in the case of this wallpaper, all the component images are animated. What's even more interesting, your system will not even slow down if you use this animated wallpaper on your desktop.
If the daily stress is a problem for you, or you had enough of your old rusty and static wallpaper, try using this wallpaper and it can calm you down and put you in a much better mood.